Best Companies To Consider If You Are In The Market For Life Insurance Coverage In 2021

The label of “Life Insurance” is odd, because it pays a death monetary benefit to the insured’s loved ones. So , it really is insuring that the life of your loved ones can continue securely after you pass away. However, some types of life insurance can provide more than just a death benefit.
The label of “Life Insurance” is odd, because it pays a death monetary benefit to the insured’s loved ones. So , it really is insuring that the life of your loved ones can continue securely after you pass away. However, some types of life insurance can provide more than just a death benefit.

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There are dozens of insurance companies offering a myriad of life insurance policies. Before choosing a specific type of policy, you need to choose which insurance companies you want to even consider. The specific policy is only as good as the company that is behind it. Below are some of the best companies that sell life insurance policies.

There are dozens of insurance companies offering a myriad of life insurance policies. Before choosing a specific type of policy, you need to choose which insurance companies you want to even consider. The specific policy is only as good as the company that is behind it. Below are some of the best companies that sell life insurance policies.

State Farm

Not to be confused with Farmers Insurance, this company is very popular and has many agents nationwide. While they are perhaps more known for their auto and home policies, State Farm offers term life insurance coverage, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. Besides being financially strong, they have scored very high customer satisfaction ratings many times.

A special feature of State Farm is that besides online quotes, they can often issue an immediate term life insurance policy, with no medical exam required.


While not one the most popular insurance companies, Transamerica offers a wide variety of life insurance products. This company stands out for their term life insurance policies, because they charge low premiums for most of them. Transamerica does almost all their business through insurance agents, but you can get online quotes for their term life policies.

New York Life

This very strong insurance company is over 175 years old. They offer a very wide variety and range of life insurance products. What makes them special is the ability to customize many of their life insurance products to your individual needs and situation. In particular, they have a special term life policy ( which is usually temporary life insurance) which can be converted to permanent whole life later on. This is especially helpful for people who need to spend less on insurance premiums at the start of having a policy.

Northwestern Mutual

This is another old line and strong insurance company. They have scored very high customer satisfaction ratings. Northwestern offers some very rewarding whole life insurance policies. Not only does the policy have the requisite death benefit, but it also pays the policyholder – while still alive – periodic cash dividends. They have a long history of consistent and generous dividend payments. This company sells their policies only through licensed financial advisors, to make sure the insured gets the proper policy for their situation.

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