Best Credit Cards In Australia

For most people, having a credit card today is a must. Besides being convenient and safer than carrying around cash, there are times that only a credit card will do – such as buying things or paying bills online. Not all credit cards are the same and it is important that you choose one wisely.
For most people, having a credit card today is a must. Besides being convenient and safer than carrying around cash, there are times that only a credit card will do – such as buying things or paying bills online. Not all credit cards are the same and it is important that you choose one wisely.

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Credit cards make money by charging interest and various fees. Plus, they all have all sorts of terms and conditions. Therefore, using credit cards will cost you money and you should select and use them like any other consumer item – with care and knowledge. The best rated credit cards in Australia are discussed below.

Credit cards make money by charging interest and various fees. Plus, they all have all sorts of terms and conditions. Therefore, using credit cards will cost you money and you should select and use them like any other consumer item – with care and knowledge. The best rated credit cards in Australia are discussed below.

Bendigo Bank Low Rate Credit Card

Interest Rate: 0% for first 12 months, 12% thereafter

Annual Fee: $45

Interest free days: 55

Credit Limit: $500 – no set maximum

Minimum monthly payment: 3% of the balance due

ANZ Low Rate Visa Card

Interest Rate: 12.5% for first 30 months, 20.3% thereafter

Annual Fee: $0 for first year, $58 thereafter

Interest free days: 55

Credit Limit: $1,000 – no set maximum

Minimum monthly payment: 2% of the balance due

NAB Low Rate Visa Card

Interest Rate: 13%

Annual Fee: $0 for first year, $59 thereafter

Interest free days: 55

Credit Limit: $1,000 – no set maximum

Minimum monthly payment: 2% of the balance due

ANZ First Visa Card

Interest Rate: 0% for first 12 months, 20.2% thereafter

Annual Fee: $0 for first year, $30 thereafter

Interest free days: 55

Credit Limit: $1,000 – no set maximum

Minimum monthly payment: 2% of the balance due

NAB Low Fee Visa Card

Interest Rate: 19.7%

Annual Fee: $30

Interest free days: 44

Credit Limit: $1,000 – no set maximum

Minimum monthly payment: 2% of the balance due

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