Best Customer Service Jobs For Seniors

More and more seniors are looking for and taking jobs, even after “retirement”. Many of them need or want to bring in more income, while others are looking to stay active and sharp. There are many types of jobs available, but some are better suited for seniors than others.
More and more seniors are looking for and taking jobs, even after “retirement”. Many of them need or want to bring in more income, while others are looking to stay active and sharp. There are many types of jobs available, but some are better suited for seniors than others.

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One of the better types of jobs for seniors is customer service. If you like engaging and helping people, have good basic computer skills and are a good communicator and problem solver- then a customer service job could be a good match for you. Also, most related experience will usually qualify you, including sales, store clerk and even teaching. Many of these jobs will just require good aptitude and skills and will fully train you.

One of the better types of jobs for seniors is customer service. If you like engaging and helping people, have good basic computer skills and are a good communicator and problem solver- then a customer service job could be a good match for you. Also, most related experience will usually qualify you, including sales, store clerk and even teaching. Many of these jobs will just require good aptitude and skills and will fully train you.

Remote Work (work from home)

A big benefit of a customer service job is that of flexibility and convenience – because many of these jobs are remote, meaning you work from your home and allow you to work part time or even with a flexible schedule. This is a big plus for many seniors who want to work, but not be “married” to their job. You will need a quiet space to work in, a modern computer, headset with a microphone and fast and reliable internet service.

Many big companies hire directly for these types of jobs, including airlines, hotel chains, cruise lines and large internet stores. Other companies hire through agencies that hire and train the workers. Some of these agencies include: Arise, Convergys, LiveOps, Sykes and Working Solutions.

Working As an Employee

Some of the customer service positions will hire you as an employee. This is the customary way most people work, where you get a salary, have taxes and social security deductions taken from your pay and you get a W-2 tax form every year. While most people are comfortable with this arrangement, you should be aware that it offers the least flexibility. The employer can require you to work a set schedule and can set many rules and regulations you have to follow. To gain more flexibility and even earning power, you should consider working as an independent contractor, discussed below.

Working As an Independent Contractor

Most of the work from home customer service jobs are set up where you are an “independent contractor” – basically you work for yourself. This does not mean you have to set up your own business, it is basically an ’employment’ status. With this arrangement you are usually paid an hourly rate for your work and you are paid the full amount. You are responsible for reporting and paying the required taxes and you will be sent an annual 1099 form showing your earnings.

As an independent contractor, you have more freedom of setting your schedule and amount of hours of work. Also, you can often actually work more than one of these types of jobs at the same time. Plus, some of your business related expenses could be tax deductible.

Special Considerations

Many work from home positions that are advertised are unfortunately scams and not legitimate. A warning sign is when you are asked to pay an upfront fee. However, some legitimate opportunities will ask you to pay a moderate fee for a background check. Always check the reputation of the company looking to hire you before you make any commitments.

Some of these jobs require you to talk with people, some that you text (type messages) them and others may even want you to do video calls. Know in advance what is expected, because texting is only suitable for fast typists and video calls require you always to look your best.

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