Best Personal Loans in Ireland

There are many times when people are short of cash and need more of it fairly quickly. A solution to this problem may be in getting a personal loan from a bank or other lending institution. Personal loans are not secured by any collateral and don’t use up any existing credit line, such as a credit card.
There are many times when people are short of cash and need more of it fairly quickly. A solution to this problem may be in getting a personal loan from a bank or other lending institution. Personal loans are not secured by any collateral and don’t use up any existing credit line, such as a credit card.

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Although using a credit card is quicker and simpler, it has drawbacks. If you need cash, most credit cards will charge hefty fees for a “cash advance” against your card’s credit line. Even just to pay for a purchase, using a credit card will reduce the amount of your credit available – or you may not have enough on the card for your immediate need. When you get a personal loan, you usually are allowed to use the money for any purpose and it does not tie up your existing credit line. Plus, by definition a personal loan does not require any collateral. Therefore it is much safer than getting a loan against your home or car.

Listed below are examples of the best personal loans available in Ireland. These examples are based on a 20,000 euro loan, with a five year term for repayment. Most of the lenders will make loans between 1,000 – 75,000 euros, for between 1 – 10 year terms. Remember, the higher the loan amount, the higher will be your monthly payment. The longer the term, the lower your payment will be.

Although using a credit card is quicker and simpler, it has drawbacks. If you need cash, most credit cards will charge hefty fees for a “cash advance” against your card’s credit line. Even just to pay for a purchase, using a credit card will reduce the amount of your credit available – or you may not have enough on the card for your immediate need. When you get a personal loan, you usually are allowed to use the money for any purpose and it does not tie up your existing credit line. Plus, by definition a personal loan does not require any collateral. Therefore it is much safer than getting a loan against your home or car.

Listed below are examples of the best personal loans available in Ireland. These examples are based on a 20,000 euro loan, with a five year term for repayment. Most of the lenders will make loans between 1,000 – 75,000 euros, for between 1 – 10 year terms. Remember, the higher the loan amount, the higher will be your monthly payment. The longer the term, the lower your payment will be.


8.95% APR – Variable rate

€411.78 – Monthly repayment (You can pay more frequently to reduce your interest cost)

No prepayment penalties

Online application with a loan approval in three hours

An Post Money

7.2% APR – Fixed rate (They will give you the best rate per your credit and financial history)

€396.02 – Monthly repayment

No prepayment penalties

Online application with a loan approval in as little as 10 minutes

Avant Money

5.9% APR – Fixed rate (They will give you the best rate per your credit and financial history)

€383.87 – Monthly repayment

No prepayment penalties

Same day loan approval

Bank of Ireland (BOI)

6.8% APR – Variable rate

€392.26 – Monthly repayment (Weekly payments allowed to lower interest costs)

No prepayment penalties

Can delay starting repayments for three months

BOI account holders can apply online with a loan approval in 15 minutes


7.3% APR – Fixed rate (6.3% for KBC account holders)

€396.68 – Monthly repayment

Fast decision process

permanent tsb

10.5% APR – Variable rate

€424.94 – Monthly repayment

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