Best Refrigerator For Seniors

The refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in the home. Because it safeguards and stores our food, it also has to be one of the most dependable – especially since it is always turned “on”. This is also true for senior citizens, but they also need to have a refrigerator that is “senior friendly”.
The refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in the home. Because it safeguards and stores our food, it also has to be one of the most dependable – especially since it is always turned “on”. This is also true for senior citizens, but they also need to have a refrigerator that is “senior friendly”.

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A senior friendly refrigerator is one that is not only reliable and durable, but also safe, convenient and friendly for most seniors to use. Certain designs and features make a refrigerator more practical, convenient and even healthier to use. These kinds of refrigerator designs and features are discussed below.

A senior friendly refrigerator is one that is not only reliable and durable, but also safe, convenient and friendly for most seniors to use. Certain designs and features make a refrigerator more practical, convenient and even healthier to use. These kinds of refrigerator designs and features are discussed below.

Door Placement and Design

For most seniors, a refrigerator that has its refrigerator compartment door on the top and the freezer on the bottom is best. This is because the refrigerator is usually used much more often than the freezer and this design will then reduce the amount of bending necessary – an activity that is often a challenge to seniors.

However, if the senior uses the freezer a great deal ( eats frozen food often for example), then a side-by-side refrigerator will be good, as each compartment will have top shelf areas requiring no bending.

Also, any kind of refrigerator should have long and easy grip handles, to make it easier for seniors to open the doors.

Interior Design and Features

A good senior friendly refrigerator should have the following features in its interior:

– Bright and well placed lighting

– Very strong and easy to clean shelves

– Good visibility

– Large and accessible storage on the inside of the door

Accessible and User Friendly Controls

Any user controls and displays should be in a very easy to see place and should be user friendly, especially the temperature (thermostat) controls. Also, the knobs or handles of these controls should be large as well as the displays. If possible, a refrigerator that is “smart” would be best – as it would notify the senior if the refrigerator is too cold or hot, or even if a door is ajar.


Some extra features could be helpful and enjoyable for some seniors:

– An easy to operate and well lit ice and water dispenser on the outside of the door

– An easy to read display on the outside showing info such as the temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer

– Special see-through door hatches for easy access to frequently used food items

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