Best Travel Cash Back Credit Cards

Having a credit card when traveling, whether domestically or overseas, is something of a must have and not a luxury. For the purposes of safety, convenience and making online purchases, you need to have one or more credit cards at your disposal.
Having a credit card when traveling, whether domestically or overseas, is something of a must have and not a luxury. For the purposes of safety, convenience and making online purchases, you need to have one or more credit cards at your disposal.

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In addition to the above reasons for having a credit card for travel, you actually can save some money on your travel expenses with the use of certain credit cards. These cards offer you cash back rewards on purchases made with the card. So, by using these cards, you save money and get the other benefits of having the card. Some of the best travel cash back credit cards are listed below.

In addition to the above reasons for having a credit card for travel, you actually can save some money on your travel expenses with the use of certain credit cards. These cards offer you cash back rewards on purchases made with the card. So, by using these cards, you save money and get the other benefits of having the card. Some of the best travel cash back credit cards are listed below.

Chase Freedom Unlimited

This card from the famous Chase Bank offers excellent cash back on travel and on other purchases as well.

Travel Cash Back: 5% from Chase Travel; 3% on dining

Additional Cash Back: 5% on up to $12,000 in supermarket purchases per year

Annual Fee: None

Bonus: $200 after spending over $500 in the first three months

Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express

AmEx offers this card with very good cash backs, especially good for domestic travel.

Travel Cash Back: 3% on gasoline, trains, buses, parking, tolls

Additional Cash Back: 6% on up to $6,000 in supermarket purchases per year

Annual Fee: Zero first year, then $95

Bonus: $150 after spending over $3,000 in the first six months

Wells Fargo Active Cash Card

This card from Wells Fargo bank gives you unlimited cash back on almost any purchase, including travel expenses.

Travel Cash Back: 2% on unlimited purchases

Additional Cash Back: 2% on almost any kind of purchase

Annual Fee: None

Bonus: $200 after spending over $1,000 in the first three months

Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card

Another bank card with unlimited cash back on all purchases.

Travel Cash Back: 1.5% on unlimited purchases (their cash backs do not have an expiration)

Additional Cash Back: 1.5% on almost any kind of purchase

Annual Fee: None

Bonus: $200 after spending over $500 in the first three months

Capital One SavorOne

Another Capital One card, with cash back on certain travel expenses.

Travel Cash Back: 3% on unlimited dining and entertainment purchases

Additional Cash Back: 3% on supermarket purchases

Annual Fee: None

Bonus: $200 after spending over $500 in the first three months

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