Double Chin Treatments For Seniors

Double chin treatment usually needs a combination of approaches that are employed to remove excess fat and tighten the skin around the neck, to create a firmer, more defined chin and overall profile. One of the most popular form of treatments is chin liposuction.
Double chin treatment usually needs a combination of approaches that are employed to remove excess fat and tighten the skin around the neck, to create a firmer, more defined chin and overall profile. One of the most popular form of treatments is chin liposuction.

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Chin liposuction works by inserting a small tube, called a cannula, into the chin in different areas. Using gentle suction, small and strategic amounts of fat are removed from each location. The treatment has great reviews among seniors as it delivers fantastic results.

Seniors can benefit from a number of treatments to make that double chin disappear, including Liposuction and Submentoplasty.

Submentoplasty is another method of dealing with excess fat under the chin. It works by making small incisions under the chin, as well as using liposuction as described above on problem areas of the neck. It is minimally invasive and the effects are almost immediate, this is a preferred treatment for Seniors with looser skin. Another new alternative is Kybella, an FDA-approved cosmetic injectable meant to remove extra chin fat.

Liposuction is the treatment of choice when only small amounts of fat need removing and there is no excess loose skin. Submentoplasty is less invasive than a neck lift as it doesn’t involve the removal of skin, rather the tightening of the neck muscles and surrounding skin through small incisions. A neck lift however, might be your only option when dealing with double chins that need extra attention. All being said, the main point remains, that a number of options are available today to treat double chins. Continue reading to learn about the procedures involved, the results and the average costs of looking your best again.

Chin liposuction works by inserting a small tube, called a cannula, into the chin in different areas. Using gentle suction, small and strategic amounts of fat are removed from each location. The treatment has great reviews among seniors as it delivers fantastic results.

Seniors can benefit from a number of treatments to make that double chin disappear, including Liposuction and Submentoplasty.

Submentoplasty is another method of dealing with excess fat under the chin. It works by making small incisions under the chin, as well as using liposuction as described above on problem areas of the neck. It is minimally invasive and the effects are almost immediate, this is a preferred treatment for Seniors with looser skin. Another new alternative is Kybella, an FDA-approved cosmetic injectable meant to remove extra chin fat.

Liposuction is the treatment of choice when only small amounts of fat need removing and there is no excess loose skin. Submentoplasty is less invasive than a neck lift as it doesn’t involve the removal of skin, rather the tightening of the neck muscles and surrounding skin through small incisions. A neck lift however, might be your only option when dealing with double chins that need extra attention. All being said, the main point remains, that a number of options are available today to treat double chins. Continue reading to learn about the procedures involved, the results and the average costs of looking your best again.

Most Seniors Use Liposuction To Remove Excess Fat Around The Chin, A Less Invasive and More Affordable Option

During a consultation that is often included in the cost of the procedure, your surgeon will assess your chin and neck and provide advise on the kind of therapy that will be most advantageous to you and produce the greatest results. When liposuction is the best answer for you, you may anticipate your practitioner to do the following steps:

• Markings with a pen are made to note areas where the cannulas are to be inserted.
• The skin is cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic solution designed to reduce infection risks.
• The surgeon then administers medications for sedation, if desired, or uses local anesthetic.
• Several small incisions in the skin are made, just large enough to introduce the liposuction cannula.
• Next, the liposuction cannula is inserted and a back-and-forth or fanning motion removes excess fat. Close attention is paid to ensure a smooth, even facial appearance.
• Finally, bandaging is applied as necessary. This typically includes a special chin strap to support the skin while it heals.

Average cost of Liposuction is around $749 for full chin treatment

A Neck Lift or Submentoplasty May Be Reccommended For Seniors When Liposuction Isn’t An Option

Submentoplasty and neck lift surgery as already stated, involve making incisions in the skin, although only a Neck Lift removes skin. Seniors may be put off by this minimally invasive surgery, though it is relatively painless, provides lasting effects and is very effective when the double chin is showing signs of sagging and all elasticity is lost. Some general steps of this surgery include the following:

• Your doctor marks the chin and neck with lines and arrows indicating areas of approach.
• IV medications are then administered to put you under, or general anesthesia is used for the procedure.
• The area is cleansed with an antiseptic solution and incisions are made, usually at the hairline and around and behind the ear. Excess fat and skin from the neck is carefully removed.
• The doctor then tightens the platysma, or neck muscle, to make the skin appear more toned.
• Finally, the skin incisions are closed with sutures. These sutures heal fairly quickly and are hidden by the hairline.

Average cost of Submentoplasty and a Neck Lift is between $1350 to $15,000 for full double chin treatment.

Orange County Facial Plastic Surgery Is Pioneering Double Chin Treatment Through Kybella

When diet and exercise are ineffective in reducing extra submental fat, Kybella may be able to assist. Kybella is effective due to the presence of its active component, deoxycholic acid. This chemical, when injected as a solution, assists in the breakdown and absorption of fatty tissue and may provide a substantial decrease in submental fullness.

Kybella is given with care and precision to specific spots inside the region of concern. Dr. Sepehr, the principal surgeon at Orange County Facial Plastic Surgery, employs an ultrafine needle to improve the patient’s experience, and the majority of patients report little pain. The process normally takes approximately 20 minutes, and you may return home immediately after treatment.


• Brief treatment time
• Minimal downtime
• Long-lasting results
• No surgery or incisions
• Gradual, natural-looking fat reduction

Costs: $550 -$1350 depending on how many units are needed

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