Early Signs Of Stomach Cancer

When cancer cells develop in the inner lining of the stomach, this results in stomach cancer. Cancer can develop slowly through many years and mainly affect people in their 60s or 80s.
When cancer cells develop in the inner lining of the stomach, this results in stomach cancer. Cancer can develop slowly through many years and mainly affect people in their 60s or 80s.

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Having stomach pain is normal, and this is not a sign that one has stomach cancer. So a person would begin to wonder what are the signs to help determine the disease.

Having stomach pain is normal, and this is not a sign that one has stomach cancer. So a person would begin to wonder what are the signs to help determine the disease.

Early Signs Of Stomach Cancer

Early signs of stomach cancer can go unnoticed because they are usually unnoticed, and the symptoms can be likened to gastrointestinal problems. The early signs of stomach cancer include loss of appetite, frequent heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and discomforting feeling. Later symptoms of the condition are diagnosed as it spreads through the stomach.
This includes long-term gastrointestinal symptoms, unexplained weight loss, jaundice, diarrhea or constipation, weakness of the body, and more severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Other symptoms include difficulty swallowing, feeling full after eating small food, stomach pain, blood in your vomit, swelling in the stomach, and stool with blood.

The List Of The Signs

The unexplained weight loss in people with stomach cancer is usually connected to their loss of appetite as they no longer feel hungry and eat less. They automatically start to lose weight. This sign should be a cause for concern.

Weakness of the body in people with stomach cancer is caused by blood loss, leading to a low count of red blood cells and anemia.

Blood is present in their vomit or stool. This is not so common but is noticed in people with stomach cancer losing lots of blood.

Feeling full after eating a small amount of food is caused by a change in bowel habits. People with stomach cancer experience constipation or diarrhea very frequently, which is no longer normal.

Experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms that you have never had before. Reflux is one of the common gastrointestinal disorders that affect people with stomach cancer, and it causes the food and water in their stomach to go back into the esophagus.

A longtime gastrointestinal symptom. In this situation, some people experience abdominal pain or ache that lasts days or weeks.

Risk Factor Of Stomach Cancer

Obesity Or Overweight
Male are more prone to stomach cancer than females.
You’ve had stomach surgery to treat an ulcer.
High consumption of red meat, smoked foods, or salted fish.
People who have type A blood.
The aged.
Genetic disorder.
Regular intake of alcohol.
Being exposed to asbestos.
Epstein-Barr virus infection.
Working in the industries where the following are made; rubber, metal, coal or timber.
Familial history of gastric cancer.
Factors surrounding your hereditary like Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, adenoma toys polyposis, and lynch syndrome.

How To Prevent Stomach Cancer

Go for genetic testing to determine if it runs in your family.
Use aspirin only when prescribed by the doctor and do not abuse it. This medication can help reduce your chances of having stomach cancer, but you should take it if your doctor prescribes it to protect you from any internal harm.
Exercise regularly.
Watch your weight and keep it in a healthy range.
Stop smoking.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
Treat your stomach ulcer to reduce your chances of having stomach cancer.
Reduce your consumption of smoked food and processed meats.

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