Four Easy Non-Invasive Ways Of Managing Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain can be nagging in that it can last up to three months or more. Usually, it comes and goes bring some temporary relief, and then it returns. According to the American Chiropractic Association, chronic back pain can cause disability, and it is challenging, especially when you are not aware of the cause. The good news is that there are various ways of treating chronic back pain ranging from exercises to home remedies.
Chronic back pain can be nagging in that it can last up to three months or more.Usually, it comes and goes, bringing relief that is only temporary. According to the American Chiropractic Association, chronic back pain can cause disability, and it is challenging, especially The psychologist can either recommend yen you are not aware of the cause.

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The good news is that there are various ways of treating chronic back pain ranging from exercises to home remedies.

Physical Therapy

Among the first options for treating chronic back pain is exercising. You can do this under the guidance of a physician or a spine therapist. Physical therapy can sometimes help one in minimizing pain and improving posture. The therapist can tailor exercises based on the kind of pain one is experiencing. The exercises can include core stretching, aerobics, retraining posture, and testing pain tolerance. Pain doctors often recommend swimming as the best activity for back pain. During the swim, there isn’t any pressure on the back. Swimming strengthens the muscles around the spine to reduce pressure on the discs. On top of that, many patients have credited Yoga as the best physical activity for them.

Alternative Therapy

Chronic back pain entails both emotional and physical straining. Therefore to manage the depression, frustration, and other psychological aspects that may result from chronic pain, it might be appropriate to visit a rehabilitation psychologist. The psychologist can recommend yoga, meditation, and tai chi, as well as other relaxation and cognitive strategies to help one avoid focusing on the pain. Also, acupuncture and chiropractors can make a difference in the volume of the pain.

Having better sleep

Sometimes when you have back pain, you can hardly sleep, and this aggravates the pain, and it gets worse. Having a bad sleep position can worsen the effects of the pain. To remedy this situation, it is advisable to sleep on your side and keep a pillow between the knees to hold the spine in a neutral position and relieve the strain in the back. Often, a new mattress designed for people who suffer from back pain can make a huge difference.

Injection treatments

Injections can be a better way of managing back pain compared to surgery. The injections apply different types of medication into the pain site. They include epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, nerve ablations, as well as others. They are appropriate when you know the source of the pain. Injections can lessen or stop pain for some time, but it is not a long term solution. The good news is that your insurance may cover injection treatments. The injections are painful and after a few hours you will start to feel better. However, many studies have shown that steroid injections reduce the long-term capability of the body to heal itself. Therefore, if you choose this option, you should be prepared to change your habits and add physical therapy to your daily routine.


Obviously, people who suffer from back pain shouldn’t carry heavy objects. However, it’s very important for people who work at desk jobs to get up from their chair every other hour to stretch. Long periods of sitting are bad for the lower and upper back, and stretching every other hour could make a difference. Even if you don’t currently suffer from back pain, don’t neglect the health of your back and try to add a physical activity to strengthen your back. It is estimated that 80% of adults will suffer from back pain at least once in their lives. Therefore, prevention might be the key to avoid it.

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