How To Get Walk-In Tubs Under Medicare

A walk-in tub is a special bathtub that has an opening allowing a person to walk in or out of it without having to step over the side of the tub. This is very beneficial or even a necessity for those with certain physical challenges or health problems. Many such people are seniors who will look to Medicare to help them pay for a walk-in tub.
A walk-in tub is a special bathtub that has an opening allowing a person to walk in or out of it without having to step over the side of the tub. This is very beneficial or even a necessity for those with certain physical challenges or health problems. Many such people are seniors who will look to Medicare to help them pay for a walk-in tub.

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Unfortunately, regular Medicare coverage will not help pay for a walk-in tub except under rare circumstances. Also, you can’t even find out in advance if you’ll get any assistance – you have to file a claim after you have already bought and installed the walk-in tub. As these tubs usually cost many thousands of dollars, this is very financially risky.

However, there are some ways, even from a newer type of Medicare, that might be able to provide financial assistance for a walk-in tub, as discussed below.

Unfortunately, regular Medicare coverage will not help pay for a walk-in tub except under rare circumstances. Also, you can’t even find out in advance if you’ll get any assistance – you have to file a claim after you have already bought and installed the walk-in tub. As these tubs usually cost many thousands of dollars, this is very financially risky.

However, there are some ways, even from a newer type of Medicare, that might be able to provide financial assistance for a walk-in tub, as discussed below.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

The reason that regular Medicare will not cover a walk-in tub is because it is not considered a kind of Durable Medical Equipment (DME). DME usually includes things like wheelchairs, oxygen machines, walkers, etc. A walk-in tub becomes a part of your home after it is installed and is a form of home improvement. Also, such a tub can be used and enjoyed by anyone in the home, not just the patient. For these and other reasons, a walk-in tub is not considered a DME and therefore regular Medicare will not cover its cost.

Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)

There is a newer type of Medicare coverage (Part C) usually known as Medicare Advantage plans. These are Medicare plans that are sold and administered by private insurance companies. People buy these plans because they offer broader and more liberal coverage than regular Medicare.

There are many such plans and they vary depending on the particular insurance company and what state you live in. There is a possibility that some of these plans will at least partially cover a walk-in tub. You need to shop around in your local area and check with the insurance companies offering Medicare Advantage and see if they provide such coverage.


Most states have a medical insurance plan known as Medicaid, which usually provides medical coverage for low income persons. Often, these plans also cover people with physical disabilities. Many of these Medicaid plans could cover at least some of the cost of a walk-in tub, depending on your particular situation and what state you live in – so check with your local Medicaid office and see if you are eligible.


There are other less expensive alternatives to a walk-in tub, that will still allow you to bathe or shower safely, including:

– A special bathtub “transfer bench”, which allows you to sit and slide across the bathtub wall, so you don’t have to step over the tub.

– A shower chair, that is non-slip and allows you to sit while you shower. This is a good solution when combined with a bathtub transfer bench.

– A non-barrier shower stall, that has no lip or other barrier, as they usually are flat to the surrounding floor. Even if you have to install a new shower stall to get this, it is usually much less expensive than a walk-in tub. Again, another good solution combined with a shower chair.

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