Purchasing a 2019 SUV Model Is Cheaper As Dealers Give Discounts To Clear Space For 2020 Models

If you are looking at the latest model of a particular car, it is important to also consider the previous year’s model. It might have the same features but at a lower price. Dealers might be give discounts for previous year models that are more or less the same. So, it makes sense to look for a 2019 SUV.
If you are looking at the latest model of a particular car, it is important to also consider the previous year’s model. It might have the same features but at a lower price. Dealers might be give discounts for previous year models that are more or less the same. So, it makes sense to look for a 2019 SUV.

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The Model Cycle of SUVs

Although car manufacturers release new car models each year, cars are often not significantly upgraded from a previous year’s models. Manufacturers follow a model cycle that can take up to six years for an SUV to have a massive update or a fresh look.

In the first and second years of the cycle, the car will normally remain the same. It’s in the third year that things begin to get interesting: in the third year, the model receives a face lift, which is a subtle update that is supposed to give the SUV a fresh design with some adjustments. Normally, the manufacturer will add some new tech to the model and some stylistic updates like new headlights and paint colors.

In the fourth and fifth years, the SUV does not receive any changes, but in the sixth year, the manufacturer considers a redesign. With a redesign, the SUV receives a comprehensive update, resulting in an entirely model all around: from the chassis to the engine to the interior.

Incentives and Discounts on Previous Year SUV Models

According to this cycle, most manufacturers maintain the same features from model year to year. As a result, you are unlikely to see any notable differences between a 2020 SUV and a 2019 SUV (except for the price). However, 2019 SUVs that are not being remodeled will be far more affordable than the latest 2020 SUV models.

Equally, dealers offer incentives for previous year models. Some dealers have 2019 models sitting on their yards from the summer of 2019, so they may be seeking to clear their inventory.

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