Smart Devices Designed To Help Seniors

Ageing is inevitable, some seniors tend to physically and cognitively decline. In the past, this fact was unbearable as life became much more complicated after a certain age. However, the availability of senior friendly smart devices has turned things around because they help in the automation of a majority of these tasks.
Ageing is inevitable, some seniors tend to physically and cognitively decline. In the past, this fact was unbearable as life became much more complicated after a certain age. However, the availability of senior friendly smart devices has turned things around because they help in the automation of a majority of these tasks.

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From smart light switches to automatic security systems and medication dispensers, the technological revolution has improved senior’s lives

From smart light switches to automatic security systems and medication dispensers, the technological revolution has improved senior’s lives

Smart Light Switches

The gadgets are primarily for seniors with limited movement. They must avoid falling, hence the need to use the gadgets to light up their immediate environment. To some extent, they can be conditioned in a way that they light up when it gets dark or dim light in certain areas.

Automatic Stove Turn-Off Devices

Many seniors could a couple of things independently, but more often, they forget to turn off the stove and burners. This means they are more prone to death from a kitchen fire. However, these devices have an automatic turn off predetermined through remote monitoring abilities. Motion detectors in them keep them burning or turned off.

Smart Thermostats

The app helps in controlling the power, and in return, reducing the power bills. This is very significant given that a majority of seniors tend to live on a controlled budget. One can screen their energy usage given that the gadget has an automatic turn on and off abilities. They are also applicable for people whose eyesight is not poor.

Smart Lock and Security Systems

The systems monitor the senior’s homes to ensure they are safe and can record everyone coming near the door. They are easily accessible through mobile apps. They feature voice activation, auto-locking features, Geofencing, and keyless touchpads.

Automatic Medication Dispensers

As they get older, seniors are continuously having health concerns, which means more often than not, they are on medication. On the other hand, medical errors are likely to happen as a result of taking the wrong dosage. However, automatic medication dispenser can help in tracking or scheduling the right dosage. It is clinically verified.

All these gadgets have varying prices. However, online shopping can help in indemnifying the right one before the actual purchase.

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