Symptoms And Causes Of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a liver inflammation. Inflammation is the swelling that occurs when bodily tissues are harmed or diseased. It has the potential to harm your liver. This swelling and damage might impair your liver’s function.
Hepatitis is a liver inflammation. Inflammation is the swelling that occurs when bodily tissues are harmed or diseased. It has the potential to harm your liver. This swelling and damage might impair your liver’s function.

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Don’t suffer alone with the chronic effects of hepatitis, treatment is just around the corner, contact your clinic today!

Hepatitis may be either an acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) infection. Some strains of hepatitis only produce acute illnesses. Other kinds are capable of causing both acute and chronic infections.

The most frequent form is viral hepatitis. It is caused by one of numerous viruses, including hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. If you have Hepatitis and are experiencing the Symptoms of this debilitating disease then it probably because of Hepatitis A, B, and C which are the most common in the United States.

Don’t suffer alone with the chronic effects of hepatitis, treatment is just around the corner, contact your clinic today!

Hepatitis may be either an acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) infection. Some strains of hepatitis only produce acute illnesses. Other kinds are capable of causing both acute and chronic infections.

The most frequent form is viral hepatitis. It is caused by one of numerous viruses, including hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. If you have Hepatitis and are experiencing the Symptoms of this debilitating disease then it probably because of Hepatitis A, B, and C which are the most common in the United States.

What Are The Causes of Hepatitis and How Does It Spread?

Heavy alcohol use causes alcoholic hepatitis, this is often seen in cases of Alcohol dependent Patients that have been consuming excessive amounts of Alcohol over their life time. If not treated or discovered in the early stages it can lead to scaring and enlargement on the Liver, as well as a risk of Liver failure in the future.

Toxic hepatitis may be caused by a variety of toxins, chemicals, medications, or dietary supplements. This strain of the disease is commonly seen in people taking too any pills. If you constantly take an assortment of medication for every small ailment that your body encounters with no real necessity then you may begin to show signs of Toxic hepatitis.

Autoimmune hepatitis is a kind of chronic hepatitis in which your immune system assaults your liver. Although the reason is unknown, genetics and your environment may have a role to play here. Thankfully this type is fairly rare and you are unlikely to come across it in your life time.

How is Viral Hepatitis Transmitted and If I have Symptoms How Did I catch It?

Hepatitis A and E are often transmitted by contact with contaminated food or water or from an infected person’s faeces. Hepatitis E may also be acquired by eating raw or undercooked pig, deer, or seafood.

Contact with the blood of someone infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or hepatitis D spreads the illness. Hepatitis B and D may be transmitted by contact with other bodily fluids. This may occur in a variety of ways, including the sharing of needles or engaging in unprotected intercourse.

The dangers of contracting this disease fluctuate depending on the kind of hepatitis. For example, with the majority of viral kinds, your risk is increased if you have unprotected intercourse. People who use a large amount of alcohol over a lengthy period of time are at risk of developing alcoholic hepatitis. This points towards your life style habits being the source of your interaction with the virus and whether or not you stand a chance of fouling foul to it.

What Are The Symptoms of Hepatitis?

Some people with hepatitis do not have symptoms and do not know they are infected. If you do have symptoms, they may include:

• Fever
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and/or vomiting
• Abdominal pain
• Dark urine
• Clay coloured bowel movements
• Joint pain
• Jaundice, yellowing of your skin and eyes

If you have an acute infection, your symptoms can start anywhere between 2 weeks to 6 months after you got infected. If you have a chronic infection, you may not have symptoms until many years later.

What Are the Treatments for Hepatitis and Can It be Prevented?

Treatment for hepatitis varies depending on the kind and whether it is acute or chronic. Acute viral hepatitis often resolves on its own. You may just need to relax and drink plenty of water to feel better. However, in rare circumstances, the situation may be more severe. You may even need hospitalisation.

There are several medications available to treat the various chronic kinds of hepatitis. Other therapies that may be considered include surgery and other medical procedures. People with alcoholic hepatitis must abstain from alcohol. If your chronic hepatitis progresses to liver failure or cancer, you may need a liver transplant.

In most cases, over-the-counter medications such as Ibuprofen may be used to treat the symptoms; however, if the symptoms are severe, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers or anti-nausea medications.

To suppress the virus in the event of chronic hepatitis B, you may need to take medications or get a vaccine. The vaccine works by boosting your body’s immune system to fight the hepatitis B virus, and it should protect you against infection for at least 5 years. To avoid additional liver damage, you will need three doses of the vaccination spread out over six months. It is also probable that you will need frequent check-ups and blood tests to determine the extent of any liver damage.

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