The Best Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Although you don’t spend as much time in the bathroom as in other rooms of your home, it is still desirable that the bathroom be as pleasant and functional as possible. If you want to remodel your bathroom, you should take some things into consideration.
Although you don’t spend as much time in the bathroom as in other rooms of your home, it is still desirable that the bathroom be as pleasant and functional as possible. If you want to remodel your bathroom, you should take some things into consideration.

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It can cost a lot of money, and headaches, to remodel a bathroom. You should make sure in advance that you really want or need the renovation, because it can cause you and your family a major inconvenience while it’s being done. Below you will find some tips to keep in mind, to help you save money and make the remodeling more successful.

It can cost a lot of money, and headaches, to remodel a bathroom. You should make sure in advance that you really want or need the renovation, because it can cause you and your family a major inconvenience while it’s being done. Below you will find some tips to keep in mind, to help you save money and make the remodeling more successful.

Maybe You Don't Need To Do a Full Remodeling

Making your bathroom more attractive or functional can be accomplished in many cases by basically “sprucing it up” and perhaps even without the need and cost of using a contractor. Here are some ways to do this:

– Replace the plumbing fixtures – especially the sink faucet

– Add better lighting

– Replace the toilet seat

– Add some new and colorful paint – maybe even to the sink

– Add new or additional fixtures such as clothing hooks and towel racks

Fully and Carefully Plan

If you do want to do a full remodel, then it should be planned out in advance. You should know what you want the bathroom to look like when it’s done and this final look should be graphically shown, either by a designer or contractor. You should hire your contractor carefully and make sure that they are “on the same page” as you. Very important – you should know how much money and how much time the full remodeling will entail.

Keep the Plumbing Where It Is

Changing the locations of the bath / shower, sink and especially the toilet will add a lot of cost, because the pipes will have to be moved and modified. Also, this kind of work will greatly increase how long the project will take.

Allow For Plentiful and Proper Lighting

A brightly and properly lit bathroom is a major factor in making the bathroom pleasant and functional. This is especially true for the vanity area – particularly the mirror. Also, don’t forget about the shower/bath – make sure it will get sufficient light.

Proper Use Of Colors

The use of certain shades of color or combinations of them can be a surprisingly effective part of your bathroom remodeling. This can result in making the bathroom more “happy”, appear to make it bigger and can increase the positive affect and usage of the lighting. When taking this into consideration, think of not only the walls, but the floor, door and fixtures as well.

Popular Styles - Comparison!

A popular dilemma is whether to stylize bathroom with tiles or marble! Some of the main differences between these two options are:

– Material composition: While marble is natural stone, tiles are made from silicates or clay fired at very high temperature.

– Maintenance: Another important aspect is which one is more stain-proof. While marble can get stained easily, tiles are generally easier to clean and do not get stained as easy!

– Porosity & Stylizing: Tiles have lower porosity and are better for highly moisture areas. Marble, on the other hand, has relatively high porosity in comparison, but can be polished to shine…

– Costs: Marble is generally more expensive than tiles because it’s a natural stone which has to be mined, extracted and maintained which is quite costly. Tiles, on the other hand, are man-made material. Comparing different contractors, however, could lead to some surprisingly affordable options!

Additionally, costs of marble increase even further as a lot of material can end up as waste while cutting it in suitable sizes…

It largely depends on the location and specific type, but marble can cost as low as $40 per square foot but go as high as $80…

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