Top 5 Foods to Protect Your Prostate

If You Have Prostate Cancer your general practitioner will refer you to a surgical oncologist, which may be one of the first specialists you visit. Surgical oncologists often do biopsies, which include removing a tiny slice of tissue to examine for cancer cells.
If You Have Prostate Cancer your general practitioner will refer you to a surgical oncologist, which may be one of the first specialists you visit. Surgical oncologists often do biopsies, which include removing a tiny slice of tissue to examine for cancer cells.

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See your doctor if you suspect you have prostate cancer, prevention is the best method, time to change your diet!

Should Cancer Cells be found, you may need to visit a surgical oncologist again to have the tumour and surrounding tissues removed. The surgeon will assist you in preparing for and recovering from any surgical operations required during your Prostate Cancer Therapy. 91% of patients go on to survive, when detected in the early stages.

Surgical Oncology is a branch of cancer treatment that employs surgery to detect, stage, and treat cancer. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, they want to know whether it is curable. The answer depends on the kind of cancer and how much of the prostate needs removing. However, preventing Prostate Cancer in the first place is crucial in the fight against this persistent disease. Changing your diet is the first thing you’ll want to do, look at these 5 Top foods and the reasons they can help you stave off a Prostate Problem in the future!

See your doctor if you suspect you have prostate cancer, prevention is the best method, time to change your diet!

Should Cancer Cells be found, you may need to visit a surgical oncologist again to have the tumour and surrounding tissues removed. The surgeon will assist you in preparing for and recovering from any surgical operations required during your Prostate Cancer Therapy. 91% of patients go on to survive, when detected in the early stages.

Surgical Oncology is a branch of cancer treatment that employs surgery to detect, stage, and treat cancer. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, they want to know whether it is curable. The answer depends on the kind of cancer and how much of the prostate needs removing. However, preventing Prostate Cancer in the first place is crucial in the fight against this persistent disease. Changing your diet is the first thing you’ll want to do, look at these 5 Top foods and the reasons they can help you stave off a Prostate Problem in the future!

1. Reduce Inflammation Of The Prostate By Consuming Fatty Fish High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids!

Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, trout, and mackerel, have been demonstrated to lower inflammation and prevent the course of prostate enlargement. There is also some evidence that omega-3 fatty acids help diminish tumor growth in instances of prostate cancer.

Try eating sardines on toast in the morning, remember its the bread that makes the sandwich, so opt for a whole grain bread. Instead of eating crisps with a beer on a Saturday afternoon, gently fry some sprats in olive oil, coat with flour and a Japanese style Tempura Batter to begin with.

2. Tomatoes High in Lycopene Help Protect Your Digestive System, De-oxidizing Your Cells and Preventing Growth!

Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a carotenoid that protects your cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Lycopene has been shown to decrease the growth of benign prostatic hyperplasia and reduce levels of PSA, a measure of prostatic inflammation and prostate cancer risk.

Lycopene absorption is improved by healthy fats, so eat your tomatoes with avocado, nuts, fatty salmon, or olive oil to get the most advantages. Watermelon, pink grapefruit, papaya, and guava are other rich sources of lycopene. Tomatoes also contain selenium, a mineral linked to better prostate health and function. One cup of tomatoes contains 55mg of vitamin C (61 percent of the RDI).

3. Broccoli is Not Only Delicious, It Is Full Of Vitamin C, E, K, High In Fibre and Folate!

Broccoli is often referred to be the king of the healthiest veggies. Broccoli, like other cruciferous vegetables such as kale, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, is high in vitamin C. One cup of broccoli has 81 mg of vitamin C, and since broccoli is a nutrient-dense, low-calorie meal, every 200-calorie portion contains 525 mg of vitamin C, or 583 percent of the RDI.

Brussels sprouts have a slightly higher calorie count but are abundant in vitamin C. Each cup of Brussels sprouts offers 107 percent of the daily value for vitamin C. Cruciferous veggies are also high in fiber, folate, and vitamins E and K. Glucosinolates, which are found in several vegetables, have been shown in studies to lessen the incidence of prostate cancer.

4. Nut and Seeds are an Essential Part of Your Diet, When Caring For Your prostate!

Because of its healthful, anti-inflammatory fats, minerals, and vitamins, nuts and seeds may be good to prostate health. Because of its high zinc concentration, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, and almonds are regarded the most powerful prostate defenders.

Zinc has been shown to lower the risk of both prostatic enlargement and prostate cancer. Vitamin E, found in seeds and nuts such as walnuts, is an antioxidant that helps decrease free radical damage, inflammation, and boost immunological function. Try incorporating seeds and nuts into yogurt, cereal, salads, or home-made protein balls.

5. Avocado On Toast May Just Be The Healthiest Breakfast for Your Prostate In The Morning!

If you like avocado toast or avocado on salads or burgers, you’re in luck. This nutrient-dense fruit is high in anti-inflammatory good fats, antioxidant vitamin E, fiber, and beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol that has been shown to reduce urinary symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Avocados are satisfying and flexible, and may be used in savory meals as well as nutritious treats.

Author’s Top Choice For A Lunch That Will Keep Prostate Cancer At Bay!

The Captains Lunch Tacos!

• Mash Up 2 Avocados and Add, Lime Juice, Ground Black Pepper, Salt and a Little Chilli Powder.
• Fry 250g of Sprats in Olive Oil. First Coat in Flour and a Light Batter, made from Flour, Water and a Little Ground Black Pepper.
• Dice 1 Large Tomato and Half an Onion Add Oregano and a Little Olive Oil.
• Layer the Tacos First With The Diced Tomato and Onion Mix, Then the Tempura Sprats and Finish with the Guacamole. Enjoy!

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