Top Free Unusual Classes from Ivy League Colleges (2022)

There are various options available to you if you wish to further your education but are unable or unable to leave your home. There are various free online college courses available, and convenience does not always imply low quality.
There are various options available to you if you wish to further your education but are unable or unable to leave your home. There are various free online college courses available, and convenience does not always imply low quality.

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.Ivy League colleges such as Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale all offer free courses on topics ranging from marketing to crypto currency.

Numerous courses are offered on a self-paced basis, and certifications are available for a fee. Your course will not be free, since the certification may cost between $50 and $100, but it will be far less expensive than attending a Harvard lecture in person.Consider these unusual courses available here; you’ll be amazed at what you can learn!

.Ivy League colleges such as Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale all offer free courses on topics ranging from marketing to crypto currency.

Numerous courses are offered on a self-paced basis, and certifications are available for a fee. Your course will not be free, since the certification may cost between $50 and $100, but it will be far less expensive than attending a Harvard lecture in person.Consider these unusual courses available here; you’ll be amazed at what you can learn!

The Global Financial Crisis, Yale University

Professor Andrew is a financial specialist who describes the Great Recession’s events and their timing wonderfully. Professor Geithner was directly engaged in all policy measures, and his term as New York Fed President has been generally appreciated.

This is an amazing history lesson on the current housing collapse and financial crisis, but it also does a great job of explaining and presenting the fundamental reasons of the global financial crisis as a whole, as well as the particular events that transpired over the multi-year experience.

Science and Cooking, Harvard University

Chefs and scholars at Harvard are examining how ordinary cooking and gourmet cuisine might reveal fundamental chemistry, physics, and engineering principles. Chefs reveal the secrets behind some of their most known culinary masterpieces in each module of this course, usually at their own restaurants.

After being inspired by such culinary prowess, the Harvard team will explain the physics behind the meal and the scientific concepts that underpin both ordinary cooking and haute cuisine operations. Additionally, students will learn how to apply physics, engineering, and chemistry ideas to the kitchen, as well as how to think like a chef and scientist.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Columbia University

Intelligence applications are being used to address complex real-world challenges (AI). This course will offer an overview of the fundamental ideas behind the development of intelligent computer systems, as well as how AI may be applied to real-world situations.

The history of artificial intelligence, intelligent agents, state-space problem representations, uninformed and heuristic search, game playing, logical agents, and issues about constraint fulfilment will all be explored.

Building a simple search agent will provide valuable experience. The work on linear regression will serve as an introduction to machine learning, while the building of a game will allow for exploration of adversarial search.

Technologies Associated with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, Princeton

To really appreciate what makes Bitcoin unique, we must first comprehend its technical foundations. This fantastic online course will answer all of your Bitcoin-related questions, including the following:

How does Bitcoin work? What makes Bitcoin unique among digital currencies? How secure are your Bitcoins? What amount of privacy does Bitcoin provide its users? What factors influence the price of Bitcoin? Is it really feasible to regulate cryptocurrency? What is ahead of us?

After completing this course, you will have the knowledge necessary to separate reality from fiction about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You’ll be able to develop safe software that interacts with the Bitcoin network using the conceptual principles you’ve covered. Additionally, you will be able to incorporate Bitcoin concepts into your own applications.

Crowdfunding, Start A Campaign! ! Pennsylvania University

Using data from hundreds of thousands of projects, this course will expose the science underlying effective crowdsourcing. You’ll learn about a range of crowdfunding strategies and get specific tips on what to do (and what not to do) when it comes to crowdsourcing.

Additionally, you’ll get the chance to journey behind-the-scenes with industry leaders, including Indiegogo’s founder and successful campaign creators, to learn all you need to know about starting a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Kick Start A New Career With One Of These Unique Courses.

It might be daunting, if not downright baffling, to choose a course that will benefit you financially after you complete it. Numerous individuals have amassed fortunes in start-ups and financial markets, including cryptocurrencies, and selecting the appropriate free online course may be the key to a more prosperous future.

If you’re considering starting a Micro-Business or even a Tiny Business, do some research on where your money is going and how obtaining a new skill set would assist you in accomplishing your goals.

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