What is Carnivore Diet and How Can it Benefit Seniors

A carnivore diet is based on eating only meat and some animal sourced food products, with no vegetables, grains and virtually no carbohydrates. This diet is categorized as an extreme low-carb / high protein type of diet. It is almost the complete opposite of the vegan diet.
A carnivore diet is based on eating only meat and some animal sourced food products, with no vegetables, grains and virtually no carbohydrates. This diet is categorized as an extreme low-carb / high protein type of diet. It is almost the complete opposite of the vegan diet.

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If you’re a meat lover and/or a vegetable hater, then this is a diet you will love. A carnivore diet largely consists of all kinds of different meats (with an emphasis on beef), fish, eggs and some dairy products. No vegetables, fruits, grains or food products containing these items are allowed at all. This diet’s main attributes are very high protein combined with almost no carbohydrates. The carnivore diet can provide some benefits that are helpful for many seniors.

If you’re a meat lover and/or a vegetable hater, then this is a diet you will love. A carnivore diet largely consists of all kinds of different meats (with an emphasis on beef), fish, eggs and some dairy products. No vegetables, fruits, grains or food products containing these items are allowed at all. This diet’s main attributes are very high protein combined with almost no carbohydrates. The carnivore diet can provide some benefits that are helpful for many seniors.

Weight Loss

Obesity is a growing problem within the senior population. This condition is especially bad for seniors with common health problems such as arthritis, mobility impediments, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic issues and other health issues. A carnivore diet can help with weight loss because it is so low in carbohydrates – which are a major factor in causing or worsening obesity. By sticking to this extremely low-carb diet, you remove a huge contributor to weight gain.

Very High Protein, Vitamin B12 and Iron

As people age, they tend to lose muscle mass and instead start putting on fat instead. This problem is made worse, because many seniors’ digestive tracts start to become inefficient in utilizing protein. Therefore, a carnivore diet can be beneficial because it is so high and concentrated in proteins, which helps reduce muscle mass loss and fat gain. Also, this diet is rich in the important nutrients vitamin B12 and iron, of which seniors are often deficient in.

Blood Sugar Level

Type 2 diabetes is another increasing health problem for seniors. As people get older, their body’s ability to convert sugars and carbohydrates in the blood into energy becomes less effective. This then in turn leads to too much sugar being in the blood, which is namely diabetes. A carnivore diet almost eliminates all carbohydrates and sugars, thus reducing the strain on your body’s insulin. This can then lead to lower and even normal blood sugar levels.

Eliminates Most Junk Food

Eating “junk food” and snacks such as chips, pretzels, candy, cookies and the like, even in moderate amounts, can greatly contribute to weight problems, diabetes and other health issues. If you can stick to the rules of a carnivore diet, you will eliminate junk food from your diet, because this diet does not allow any of these kinds of food.

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