What is Acupuncture Treatment and is it Good for Weight Loss?

Traditional Acupuncture is founded on the concept that the body’s pathways or meridians carry Qi (pronounced “chee”), or life energy.
Traditional Acupuncture is founded on the concept that the body’s pathways or meridians carry Qi (pronounced “chee”), or life energy.

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Acupuncture has long been touted as a powerful type of alternative medicine for treating pain, fertility, disease, and disorders such as migraines, but contrary to popular opinion, it can also aid in weight loss when combined with other remedies.

Acupuncture is proven in recent studies to reduce weight when combined with exercise and a balanced diet!

Acupuncture is a sort of alternative therapy that uses thin needles to pierce the skin. It is based on ancient Chinese medicine. Auricular acupuncture, which is frequently associated to weight loss, concentrates on points in the ear that are claimed to suppress hunger and relieve anxiety and tension, both of which can lead to comfort eating.

Western Accpuncture is usually offered after a medical diagnosis is given. It entails activating sensory nerves beneath the skin and in the body’s muscles. As a result, natural compounds such as pain-relieving endorphins are produced by the body. These released endorphins can help you lose weight with the appropriate diet and exercise, as well as focusing your attitude in a positive direction. Continue reading to learn more about how acupuncture can help you lose weight.

Acupuncture has long been touted as a powerful type of alternative medicine for treating pain, fertility, disease, and disorders such as migraines, but contrary to popular opinion, it can also aid in weight loss when combined with other remedies.

Acupuncture is proven in recent studies to reduce weight when combined with exercise and a balanced diet!

Acupuncture is a sort of alternative therapy that uses thin needles to pierce the skin. It is based on ancient Chinese medicine. Auricular acupuncture, which is frequently associated to weight loss, concentrates on points in the ear that are claimed to suppress hunger and relieve anxiety and tension, both of which can lead to comfort eating.

Western Accpuncture is usually offered after a medical diagnosis is given. It entails activating sensory nerves beneath the skin and in the body’s muscles. As a result, natural compounds such as pain-relieving endorphins are produced by the body. These released endorphins can help you lose weight with the appropriate diet and exercise, as well as focusing your attitude in a positive direction. Continue reading to learn more about how acupuncture can help you lose weight.

Procedure for Weight Loss Using Acupuncture Involves 15-30 Minutes Of Needles In The Earlobes.

Acupuncture needles are tiny and designed to operate well without causing discomfort or bleeding. The needles are typically left in for 15 to 30 minutes per session. During your session, the practitioner may elevate or twist the needles as part of the method.

Acupuncture treatments are said to be calming and painless by many people and often concentrate on the ear for weight loss. According to recent study, activating specific locations on the outer ear can help balance hormones and reduce cravings and appetite.

Acupuncture Can Affect Two Hormones That Are Beneficial In Losing Weight.

Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates hunger and meal stimulation. Leptin is a hormone that controls fat storage and metabolism. Acupuncture can help you control your hunger and cravings, improve your digestion, and speed up your metabolism by activating these two hormones.

This with proper exercise and the correct diet can help you lose weight and keep it off. Seniors in particular according to research seem to have a better response than younger people to this treatment.

Recent Studies Have Directly Connected Acupuncture With Weight Loss In Seniors.

In one study, researchers compared the effectiveness of auricular (ear) acupuncture to that of body acupuncture in obese women, finding that those Senior volunteers who had auricular acupuncture lost about 8 pounds more than those who received acupuncture on other regions of the body.

When people are stressed, they tend to acquire weight. Acupuncture needles increase the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” hormones, according to research. This can have calming and relaxing effects, which can help to reduce the urge to eat stress food as a result of tension, irritation, and worry. A 2022 review of studies indicated that acupuncture is helpful for weight loss when combined with lifestyle changes including regular exercise and eating a well-balanced diet.

Using Needles Needs To be Performed By Licenced Professionals, Research Your Clinic Before You Go.

Because licenses and regulation differ from state to state, doing some research to find a trustworthy acupuncturist in your region may be necessary. Check out the background of anyone you’re considering getting therapy from, and be sure they have the qualifications and credentials you’re looking for.

Acupuncture can be provided by chiropractors, naturopathic healthcare professionals, massage therapists, and medical healthcare providers who have undergone training from their respective governing bodies in some states. Acupuncturists must pass an exam administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in most states.

Acupuncture has little side effects when performed by a trained professional who uses sterile needles.

Acupuncture’s most prevalent adverse effects include:

• Soreness
• Where the needles were implanted, there was some minor bleeding.
• Fatigue

Tell your healthcare practitioner that you’re thinking about trying acupuncture before your first session. If acupuncture is right for you, they may be able to recommend a reliable practitioner. Acupuncturists who are competent should be willing to collaborate with your other healthcare providers, including your primary care physician.

Acupuncture Is An Affordable Procedure That Can Be Done In Less Than An Hour!

The typical cost of an acupuncture session is $75 to $100. The first session is included in this. The initial consultation price is not included in the package and might range from $100 to $300. Subsequent sessions range in price from $50 to $90 per session, depending on where you reside and your practitioner’s competence. Sessions normally last around 30 minutes in total.

The cost is usually strongly influenced by your region. Acupuncture in densely crowded regions such as New York and Los Angeles is frequently significantly more expensive than acupuncture in less densely inhabited or rural areas.

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