Who Will Buy Your Patent Ideas?

Great inventions either address actual issues or provide enormous new advantages. They are also difficult or costly to design around, have a low risk of invalidation, and have a significant dollar market effect. Sell your unique Patent today! Find a buyer for your Patent and cash in on your inventive ideas.
Great inventions either address actual issues or provide enormous new advantages. They are also difficult or costly to design around, have a low risk of invalidation, and have a significant dollar market effect. Sell your unique Patent today! Find a buyer for your Patent and cash in on your inventive ideas.

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If you have a patent that no one else is using or thinking about, hire a patent specialist to guide you through the legal minefield.

If you have a patent that no one else is using or thinking about, hire a patent specialist to guide you through the legal minefield.

The finest patents, or at least the simplest to sell, include all of the basic characteristics, as well as being utilized in existing goods (sometimes illegally) or being fundamental to a wide standard.

Search For A Patent Expert Like AcclaimIP, When Finding Potential Licensees.

Patent data helps you get a head start on determining if your patent is being used by someone else. The procedure only takes roughly 30 minutes per patent and may be performed indefinitely. AcclaimIP assists you in locating hints based on the patenting activities of others that indicate the patent may be useful to a certain firm.

Finding Out Who Is The Owner Of Related Patents And Applications.

For example let’s use an Apple, Inc. patent application for an innovation that minimizes the perceived noise level of computer fans (impellers technically). If you’ve ever stepped inside a data center, you’re aware that computer fans are loud, distracting, and irritating. This innovation appeals to many as we would want a quieter fan on laptops


The next step is to use the very clever and comprehensive search tool CobaltIP, which provides three methods for locating comparable patents.
• Text Analysis: Comparable Claims
• Text Analysis: Comparable Description
• Fingerprinting for Classification

Once you’ve found the related papers, you can easily use CobaltIP’s Assignee facets to see who the top assignees are that possess the same patents. You may also use the Chart>Chart by Assignee tool to get a more visual depiction of the top assignees who have comparable patents. Searching farther down the list for smaller assignees is a good strategy, since smaller firms are frequently better prospects for your idea.

In the following example, a search generated a list of 170 related patents. The assignee facet then revealed several computer and fan businesses, as well as those that we may not have considered in industries such as power tools, aircraft, and medical equipment.

Which Assignees Have Received Patents Similar To My Invention Or Idea?

The next strategy in this process is to look for firms who have previously bought patents in the same class as the target patent.

The reasoning is straightforward. If an assignee has acquired patents that are comparable to mine, they may be interested in purchasing my invention as well. It is far simpler to sell paint to painters than it is to sell paint to someone whose house needs painting, since painters have a history of buying paint, while the homeowner just fits the profile of someone who needs paint.

CobaltIP’s automated analysis searches reassignment data for patents that have been acquired and are categorised in the target patent’s class (or related classes). To perform the analysis, open the Document Details box for your target patent and then select Tools>Potential Buyers.

What Other Technologies Make Use Of My Patent Invention?

There are numerous methods for locating these patents, but one of the most effective is to use the US Patent Classification System.

The approach looks for patents that cross-reference the target patent’s principal class. You are not seeking for assignees in this situation, but rather technologies as specified by the US Classification system. After identifying these tangential classes, you do a classification search to locate assignees who possess patents in the classes you’ve discovered.

This method may be perplexing, so let’s break it down:

Continuing to utilize Apple’s patent application for a silent fan, which is characterized as follows… 29/889.4; 415/203

The principal class that best illustrates the basic processes of the invention is 415/203 (the bold class code stated first on the patent). The patent also includes a cross-reference to class 29/889.4. The cross-reference (XR) class in the US system may also be innovative or an application of the technology. As a result, our objective is to uncover more patents in which class 415/203 is an application of technology but not necessarily the innovative step.

Remember to grasp the difference between CCL before beginning your search: Current US Class discovers patents that mention a certain class code, while PCCL: Primary Current US Class finds patents that reference a Primary Class code.
So try entering CCL:415/203 rather than PCCL:415/203. Find me patents that are categorized in 415/203 but NOT as a main class, according to this query. In other words, it looks for patents that mention 415/203.

When you examine the class facets (main class) of this collection of patents, you will see that they are categorized in additional classes that you may not have considered included in your investigation, such as Power Plants, Dynamos, Heat Exchangers and Ink Jet Printing

Using these great nuggets of information you should be able to start cashing in on your ideas and join the successful group of inventors that boast Patents that make a difference to our everyday lives.

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