Why Is Gene Therapy Increasing In Popularity?

Basically, gene therapy focuses on the genetic modification of cells to produce a therapeutic effect or the treatment of disease by repairing or reconstructing defective genetic material.
Basically, gene therapy focuses on the genetic modification of cells to produce a therapeutic effect or the treatment of disease by repairing or reconstructing defective genetic material.

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The first attempt was made in 1980, and the first success was recorded in 1989, while the first use began in 1990. Between 1989 and December 2018, over 2,900 clinical trials were conducted. In 2017 FDA approved the marketization of gene therapy.

The field of gene therapy is striving more than ever to define a path to the clinic and the market. Twenty gene therapy products have already been approved, and over two thousand human gene therapy clinical trials have been reported worldwide. These advances raise great hope to treat devastating rare and inherited diseases as well as incurable illnesses.

The first attempt was made in 1980, and the first success was recorded in 1989, while the first use began in 1990. Between 1989 and December 2018, over 2,900 clinical trials were conducted. In 2017 FDA approved the marketization of gene therapy.

The field of gene therapy is striving more than ever to define a path to the clinic and the market. Twenty gene therapy products have already been approved, and over two thousand human gene therapy clinical trials have been reported worldwide. These advances raise great hope to treat devastating rare and inherited diseases as well as incurable illnesses.


Gene therapies are promising therapies applicable to a broad range of diseases; their aim is to radically treat the causes of the diseases instead of only relieving the symptoms. They may be effective on a wide range of previously untreated diseases, such as hematological, ocular, neurodegenerative diseases, and several cancers.

Gene therapies are regarded as a potential revolution in the health sciences and pharmaceutical fields. The number of clinical trials investigating gene therapies is increasing worldwide, despite the limited number of products that have successfully reached the market.


The elevated prevalence of genetic disorders and cancers, clear gene manipulation guidelines, and increasing financial support for gene therapy in clinical trials are major trends. Gene therapy is presently starting to become commercially profitable as a number of genes and cell-based gene therapy products have entered the market and the clinic.

As such, the global gene therapy market has grown commensurately in recent years and is expected to grow at a high rate through 2030, according to Grand View Research. A recent report stated that nearly 300 product candidates are currently under various stages of development for a diverse range of applications.


Several factors can be attributed to the rise of gene therapy. However, the influence of these factors varies. The ones with far-reaching impacts are outlined below.


Governments of different countries and continents have gradually embraced the use of gene therapy. This has served as a great leap for the field because these are governments of powerful nations with tremendous influence. The US, UK, China, France, Germany, Japan, and The EU have shown some measure of support for gene therapy.


Government, corporate bodies, and private entities have pooled funds in their various capacities to fund research on gene therapy. Between 1989 and 2015, 2,335 clinical trials related to gene therapies had been completed, were ongoing, or approved (but not started) worldwide. The US undertook 66.81% of gene therapy clinical trials; all other countries participated in a small percentage of the trials: 9.45% in the UK; 3.95% in Germany; and around 2% each in Switzerland, France, China, and Japan.


There has been an increased market for gene therapy since the approval of the EU and US in 2012 and 2017, respectively. Experts are hopeful the gene therapy will grow tremendously in the 2030s.

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