Why Ordering Online Prescription Glass Is Cheaper

Almost everything is now available online, including certain medical related products and services. One of these is prescription eyeglasses. There are still a multitude of physical eyeglass stores, but the amount of online ones is large and growing.
Almost everything is now available online, including certain medical related products and services. One of these is prescription eyeglasses. There are still a multitude of physical eyeglass stores, but the amount of online ones is large and growing.

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Online eyeglass sites allow you to shop from the convenience and comfort of your home, without having to run around. Plus, you will be able to choose from a huge variety of frames and styles. The pleasant surprise here is that buying your eyeglasses online can often save you 40% from what you would spend at a physical store. How they can do this is discussed below.

Online eyeglass sites allow you to shop from the convenience and comfort of your home, without having to run around. Plus, you will be able to choose from a huge variety of frames and styles. The pleasant surprise here is that buying your eyeglasses online can often save you 40% from what you would spend at a physical store. How they can do this is discussed below.

Large Amount Of Competition

There is no single geographic area that has near as many eyeglass stores as the web. Plus, most of these stores do business nationwide, so there are hundreds of such online stores. Like any other business, when there is a lot of competition, prices tend to get driven down. Since it is so easy for you to find the lowest prices on the net, and the stores know this, it also keeps prices lower.

High Sales Volume

Because these online stores do business in a very large area – often nationwide, their sales volume is very large. With such a large amount of sales, they can afford to have low prices and still make enough profit. Furthermore, many of these online eyeglass sites are open all the time – which increases their sales volume even more.

Lower Operating Costs

Physical eyeglass stores have to pay rent, insurance, utilities, property tax and other expenses to run their brick and mortar location(s). While operating an online store isn’t free, it is much less expensive than physical retail locations. Also, effective advertising for online stores can often be cheaper than for a physical store – especially by utilizing the power of social media. With these lower expenses, the online eyeglass store can have lower prices.

Direct Ordering From Frames Manufacturers

A major component of eyeglasses are the frames needed to put the lens into. Because of the large sales volume and customer base of many of these online eyeglass stores, they often can buy some of their frames direct from the manufacturers.  Most physical stores have to buy their frames from some sort of middle-man, such as a local distributor. Of course, buying direct is less expensive – helping the online stores to have lower prices. This also encourages these sites to have a very large selection of frames, which is very beneficial for the consumer.

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