X Uncommon Symptoms of Narcolepsy and The List of Treatment Options

Narcolepsy is a brain disease that can last for a long time, if left untreated. It is often connected with sporadic uncontrolled sleep attacks. The most common signs of narcolepsy are excessive daytime sleepiness, (cat napping if you like) and increased muscle weakness.
Narcolepsy is a brain disease that can last for a long time, if left untreated. It is often connected with sporadic uncontrolled sleep attacks. The most common signs of narcolepsy are excessive daytime sleepiness, (cat napping if you like) and increased muscle weakness.

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Although these are the usual symptoms, this condition can also manifest itself in many other uncommon ways.

People with symptoms of Narcolepsy are benefiting from the many treatment options that combat this complex brain disease.

Narcoleptic hallucinations are one of the unusual symptoms of this brain disease. These are intense dreams that people have when they are falling asleep or waking up. Some of these experiences can be scary and create a sense of anxiety and impending danger.

Uncommon symptoms of Narcolepsy also include sleep paralysis, which is the inability to move or talk when falling asleep or waking up. This can happen along with intense visions that can be hard to deal with, due to their terrifying nature. Nodding off events are perhaps the scariest non typical symptoms associated with Narcolepsy. Obviously falling asleep unexpectedly can be dangerous, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery. Continue reading to learn about more uncommon symptoms of Narcolepsy and treatments that are available to sufferers.

Although these are the usual symptoms, this condition can also manifest itself in many other uncommon ways.

People with symptoms of Narcolepsy are benefiting from the many treatment options that combat this complex brain disease.

Narcoleptic hallucinations are one of the unusual symptoms of this brain disease. These are intense dreams that people have when they are falling asleep or waking up. Some of these experiences can be scary and create a sense of anxiety and impending danger.

Uncommon symptoms of Narcolepsy also include sleep paralysis, which is the inability to move or talk when falling asleep or waking up. This can happen along with intense visions that can be hard to deal with, due to their terrifying nature. Nodding off events are perhaps the scariest non typical symptoms associated with Narcolepsy. Obviously falling asleep unexpectedly can be dangerous, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery. Continue reading to learn about more uncommon symptoms of Narcolepsy and treatments that are available to sufferers.

Habitual Actions and Trouble Sleeping at Night Prevents Narcolepsy Patients from Functioning Normally

People with narcolepsy may sometimes do things on “autopilot” without being aware of what they are doing. They might look awake and interested, but later they might not remember what they did. This can be very disturbing, especially when you do something out of character.

Even though narcolepsy typically makes people sleepy during the day, it can also cause them to wake up often at night and not be able to get back to sleep. This makes it harder to stay awake during the day. Unfortunately this can have a serious impact on work, family and friends.

Unusual Symptoms of Narcolepsy Include Problems with Thinking and Uncontrollable Weight Gain

Narcolepsy can cause problems with your memory, your ability to focus, and your ability to make decisions. These mental problems can make it hard to do daily tasks and work well. People with these symptoms may then go on to develop other problems born out of stress and anxiety.

Gaining weight while suffering from Narcolepsy? You are not alone! Many folk suffering from narcolepsy report gaining weight because sleep problems affect their appetite. Binge eating, snacking and having no energy or focus to cook fresh meals contribute to punting on more weight.

Mood Swings Can Cause Catastrophic Consequences for People Living with Narcolepsy

Mood issues like depression, worry and anxiety are often linked to narcolepsy. These mood disorders can be made worse by the difficulties of living with a long-term sleep problem and the mental effects that come with Narcolepsy. When left untreated this can lead to a break-down in relationships.

The consequences of these mood swings can be dire for your work life as well. Colleagues may not understand what you are going through, bosses may think you are behaving strangely and your work ambitions ultimately go down the tubes. Though there is hope and treatment on hand for these unusual symptoms, including the ones outlined earlier in this article. Some of the top ones are listed below.

Various Treatment Options Can Help with the Symptoms of Narcolepsy and Improve Many Sufferer’s Lives

Lifestyle changes can go a long way to helping combat the symptoms of Narcolepsy, these may include making dramatic changes to the way live, function and go about your daily routine:

Scheduled naps
• Taking short, planned naps during the day can help people who get too sleepy during the day

Regular sleep routine
• Keeping a regular sleep routine, even on the weekends, can help you sleep better at night.

Changes to your diet
• Staying away from heavy or big meals, coffee, and alcohol close to bedtime can help you sleep better.

Regular exercise
• Regular exercise can help people with narcolepsy sleep better and keep them from gaining weight.

Narcolepsy Patients Can Benefit from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Other Supportive Treatments

CBT can help people with Narcolepsy deal with the emotional and mental problems that come with it, such as depression, anxiety and problems with thinking. Supportive treatments, like one on one therapy and contact groups, give people with narcolepsy a chance to meet others with the same problems and talk about how they deal with them.

Having this feeling of not being alone is crucial to combating the symptoms of Narcolepsy and reducing its overall effect on disrupting life. Many folk with this brain disease have found that when they have the support mechanisms in place to help them, then life is fairly good. If you are suffering from Narcolepsy, don’t do so in silence, always reach out for help and advice.

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