Following Apps and Social Media Regarding Your Child’s Development Could Be Misleading

In Education

Parents always compare their child to others and are constantly worrying whether their child is developing okay. Social media platforms and apps that claim to indicate what your child should have achieved by a certain age make it even hard for parents. Although it is important to watch your child’s development, some aspects must be kept in mind. 

Children are different 

It is vital to note that children are different, with distinct parents and upbringings, and each is from a different background. Therefore, even kids raised within the same family cannot expect their development to be the same.

Normal varies 

What is considered normal varies. For instance, children are thought to walk when they reach one year, but this can vary between 9 and 15 months. While those standard ranges are typically in the tiny text of all those publications and apps, one particular age is typically highlighted. Unfortunately, this can cause a lot of f unneeded stress.

Children move through different aspects of development differently

For instance, a child may walk early but take considerable time before they start talking. A young toddler may become so engrossed in speaking that they find walking less fascinating. Every kid uniquely develops these skills as they learn to utilize their body, communicate, connect, and understand their environment.

Even while you see the larger picture, that doesn’t imply you should ignore your child’s apparent differences in development from other kids. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an excellent Milestone Tracker, so it doesn’t indicate that all applications are terrible.

But you ought to consult your doctor once you start to worry. When a parent or physician is concerned about the growth of a child under three, they can contact their state’s Early Intervention programme and ask for a free evaluation.

You can see development in your child by playing with them, shutting off devices, giving them time on the floor, reading to them to learn new words,  and buying them simple toys to help them earn. 

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