Here Are Three Non-Invasive Treatments Of Sleep Apnea

In Education

Sleep apnea affects around 22 million Americans, with prevalence in males higher than in females. The disorder appears when the airways are clocked while someone is asleep, and it makes them wake up feeling exhausted despite having enough sleep. Interestingly, there are alternative sleep apnea treatments that do not require someone to use a CPAP machine throughout the night. 

Wearing a mandibular advancement device (MAD)

This customised mouthpiece shifts the lower jaw forward to open the airway and help the individual breathe. MAD is an alternative to CPAP and can be used when sleeping or awake. It’s a natural way of treating sleep apnea without invasive procedures like surgery, CPAP machine use or wire insertion through one’s neck. 

The downside is that it takes time to adjust when putting the device, but there has been considerable success in improving quality of life and decreasing reliance on other treatments. 

Increase physical activity and engage in weight loss

Some of the simplest ways to reduce sleep apnea are regular exercise and weight loss. These two techniques go hand in hand since they can offset each other. For example, if weight loss causes a decrease in lung capacity, exercises will increase it. Regular exercise will help enhance airflow when one is asleep by expanding the chest cavity through lowering blood pressure. 

People with sleep apnea that have been exercising consistently have noticed an improvement in their symptoms, including more energy throughout the day and less need for naps.

Changing sleep position 

Another non-invasive way of managing sleep apnea is by trying a different sleep position. Sleeping on your back with some head elevation is ideal despite not being that comfortable,as it will help open airways and minimize snoring. If you prefer something more comfortable than a pillow, try sleeping on an aerated foam bed.  

If you are sleeping on the back and still the problem persists, you could change and sleep on your stomach or rest with your arm under a pillow and the other above the head. 

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