Here is What Research Says About How To Kiss “Correctly”

In Education

Although you are familiar with kissing, are you doing it “correctly?” Kissing can vary from one individual to another and it depends on how someone tilts their head. According to a recent study, tilting the head to the right is the most comfortable way of kissing. 

Men are more likely to initiate a kiss than women 

The University of Bath Researchers examined 48 married individuals in Bangladesh and sought to learn about the kissing trends of spouses in non-Western communities. The researchers chose Bangladesh to study the natural way of kissing since citizens of the country are banned from viewing kissing on film or TV. Therefore, there is no societal influence on Bangladeshis when it comes to kissing. Generally, around two-thirds of the subjects always leaned to the right when kissing, irrespective of whether they received the kiss or initiated it. 

Another interesting finding was that men are more likely (15 times) to initiate a kiss relative to women. In addition, men who initiate the kiss indicated that the woman would mirror the tile of the head when kissing. 

Led study author Dr. Rezaul Karim said this is the first study showing gender differences in the initiation of a kiss. Interestingly the initiator’s head-turning direction when kissing modulated the direction of the head of the recipient. Karim said that based on past theoretical studies, they managed to create a new hypothesis regarding the neural basis behind the behavior.

The dominant hand influences the head tilt during kissing 

Based on study observations, the researchers postulate that someone’s dominant hand influences a person’s head tilt when kissing, which would account for why a tilt towards the right is generally typical. This inclination seems to have its roots in a person’s prenatal care.

According to Karim, tilting your head towards the right is among the first inclinations observed in growth, even during pregnancy, before preferring the right foot or hand. Psychology and neuroscience are still unsure whether or not this intrinsic bias persists throughout maturity. Most people are unaware of biases influencing their head tilt when kissing. 

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