Here Is Why Many Americans Might Be Missing Work even as Normalcy Returns

In Education

It appears that more people are missing work more often than ever. A new study into the number of Google searches for people looking to miss work shows that the volume of searches has skyrocketed over the past two years.

The number of searchers about missing work is on the rise 

The Great Resignation is still going strong, according to a new study from Fortune, and given that it’s time to go back to work, it’s not unexpected that more and more workers are looking for justifications to miss work. The number of searches for the top ten most searched terms has climbed by 630% between 2018 and 2022.

The number of Americans making Google searches about missing work increased tenfold from 355,890 in 2018 to 3,857,860 this year. 

Frank Recruitment Group has compiled the top 10 Google searches from the past five years, along with advice on how businesses can keep their staff members motivated so that employees won’t look for reasons to avoid work. This new data and original expert perspective are presented.

Rowan O’Grady, the Americas president of Frank Recruitment, said that seeing the search volumes increase drastically is quite perplexing. It appears to correlate with the start of the resumption of office, which indicates that it hasn’t been everyone’s smoothest transition. Of all, the key aspect is to move forward to a healthy tomorrow rather than trying to “get back to normal.”

The absence of de-stigmatization can address missing work  

To address the issue of missing work, SP Consulting wellness coach Dr Shane P Teran said that communication is important and de-stigmatization should be absent at the workplace. Most of those who look up for excuses to miss work do so because they don’t have a supervisor or corporate culture that allows them to take time without challenge or ridicule. Companies need to note that people need more time to manage stressors associated with readjustment. 

The key to lasting and meaningful change is balance. As a result, most companies have taken measures to redesign work settings, create new operating guidelines and have engagement resources.  

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