Hubble Space Telescope Shows Image Of Two Galaxies Colliding To Form an “Angel”

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Scientists keeping an eye on the Hubble Space Telescope at NASA refer to it as “Angel Wing.” This is because the renowned space mission has returned a breathtaking image of two combined galaxies resembling an angel with extended wings.

Galaxies to merge  in the VV689

According to researchers at NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), these galaxies are merging in the VV689 system. These two galaxies, according to experts, are actually colliding, as opposed to other galaxies that only appear to be doing so from Earth. Additionally, these two galaxies have formed an almost perfectly symmetrical structure, giving observers on Earth an impression of what appear to be two enormous space wings.

The latest photos were taken by Hubble’s Galaxy Zoo scientific research initiative. So many of volunteers categorize galaxies as part of the crowdsourcing initiative, which enables astronomers to sort through the massive amount of data obtained from space probes.

What causes these galaxies to collide with one another?

Gravity is a relatively straightforward solution. Both of them enter an orbit that is getting increasingly close to one another due to the gravitational force of these huge star clusters. They eventually merge to form one massive galaxy.

Surprisingly, researchers think that only a small fraction of stars and more celestial bodies actually collide with one another during the process. However, the collision of these enormous objects generates enormous gravity shockwaves.

According to astronomers, the Milky Way constellation may have engaged in galaxy mergers during its formation. As a result, galaxies like those in the VV689 system clash frequently, and by knowing more about these collisions, researchers may find fresh hints about the history of our galaxy.

Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys was used to conduct in-depth follow-up investigations on significant objects from both studies. The objectives for follow-up studies with Hubble were selected by around 18 000 public votes, continuing with the participatory aspect of the Galaxy Zoo project. The chosen targets include rare spirals, hexagonally galaxies, and an impressive collection of galaxy mergers like VV689xy.

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