Lifestyle Choices Like Smoking Can Influence Cognitive Health In Older Adults, Study Shows

In Education

Smoking is a significant lifestyle factor linked to cognitive decline in older adults, according to a new study by UCL researchers. Published in Nature Communications, the study analyzed data from 32,000 adults aged 50 or older across 14 European countries over ten years.

Cognitive decline pronounced older in individuals that smoke

The research explored how cognitive decline rates vary among older adults with different health-related behaviors, including smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and social interactions. Cognitive function was measured through memory and verbal fluency tests, and participants were categorized based on their lifestyles: whether they smoked, engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity at least once per week, socialized weekly, and consumed alcohol within recommended limits.

The findings revealed that cognitive decline was more pronounced in individuals who smoked, with cognitive scores declining up to 85% more over ten years compared to non-smokers. However, smokers who maintained a healthy lifestyle in other areas—regular exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and frequent social interactions—experienced a rate of cognitive decline similar to non-smokers.

Dr. Mikaela Bloomberg, the lead author from UCL Behavioral Science & Health, stated, “Our study is observational and cannot definitively establish cause and effect, but it suggests smoking might be a particularly important factor influencing the rate of cognitive aging.”

The study highlighted that while engaging in healthy behaviors generally slows cognitive decline, not all behaviors contribute equally. Dr. Bloomberg added, “Our findings suggest that among the healthy behaviors we examined, not smoking may be among the most important for maintaining cognitive function.”

Regular exercise mitigates negative cognitive effects related with smoking

For those unable to quit smoking, the study suggests that other healthy behaviors—such as regular exercise, moderate alcohol intake, and active social engagement—might help mitigate the negative cognitive effects associated with smoking.

The researchers accounted for various factors that could have influenced the results, including age, gender, country, education, wealth, and chronic conditions. The study underscores the potential impact of smoking on cognitive health and the importance of comprehensive healthy lifestyle choices in aging populations.

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