Morning People Have Higher Verbal Intelligence, Study Shows

In Education

Night owls have previously been thought to be highly intelligent individuals. Although past studies support the notion that night owls show robust verbal intelligence, a new study by the University of Ottawa suggests otherwise. Early rises are more verbally intelligent than night owls. 

Early risers have higher verbal intelligence than night owls

University of Ottawa Sleep Research Laboratory Director Stuart Fogel said that after accounting for important factors such as age and bedtime, morning people tended to have the higher verbal ability. Fogel says this is a surprising finding that indicates that this is more complicated than previously thought.  

Interestingly, this research offers the required insight into how the effect on an individual’s daily activity levels and rhythm during sleep and wake are associated with intelligence. Researchers identified the subject’s chronotypes by monitoring daily preferences and biological rhythms. A person’s chronotype affects when they like to engage in or complete difficult or significant tasks, such as physical activity or intellectual pursuits.

Younger people usually have an “evening type” personality, whereas elderly persons and people who are more frequently involved in their daily or evening routines have a “morning type” personality. Yet, strangely, the mornings are often a crucial time for young folks, particularly those still in school.

Chronotypes do not determine school routines 

Fogel explains that most school routines are not determined by chronotypes but by work schedules and parents. As a result, school-going children bear the price because they are evening types compelled to follow an early morning schedule. 

For instance, science and math sessions are typically scheduled in the morning because students in these subjects benefit from having a morning routine. However, because of their evening-type biases, they are not at their finest in the morning. As a result, they are at a disadvantage due to the type of routine put on them; it is like they are constantly working against their circadian rhythm.

The brain loves regularity, and for individuals to perform optimally, they must follow a schedule later than playing catchup.

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