Music Could Be A Therapeutic Tool That Enhances Emotional and Physical Well-Being, Study Finds

In Education

According to a recent study examining the impact of music interventions on health-related quality of life, singing, music therapy, and listening to music can significantly improve mental and physical health. However, despite the positive impact of music on psychological quality of life, no defined music dosage or intervention works for everyone.

Music has an impact on well-being by impacting various aspects

Music has a personal connection with complex individuals from different cultures with diverse experiences and health needs. Our relationship with music is a beautiful and complicated dance that changes based on our moods, past experiences, and preferences. The music immediately impacts one’s well-being, such as easing the transition to sleep, aiding self-expression, finding motivation for exercise, and connecting to others through live performances.

Music therapists can help individuals create a connection with music and find the best dosage that will help them improve their quality of life. It is important to note that music therapy involves a board-certified music therapist, a patient, and sometimes caregivers and family. Active and receptive interventions improve health and well-being, including decreasing anxiety, improving mood, and finding motivation. Music therapists create goals and can adjust their approach to find what works best for each situation.

Music therapy tools

So far, listening to music is the most studied intervention and can be done in music therapy or alone. Active and receptive interventions are used to improve health and well-being, including decreasing anxiety, improving mood, and finding motivation. Music therapists create goals and can adjust their approach to find what works best for each situation.

The other tool is singing, especially for those with a good connection to their voice, and the therapists can help them connect to an instrument. In addition, singing has physical benefits to lung function and improves emotional well-being. Lastly, playing a device can be a great therapeutic tool that creates a potential for distraction, cognition, reduction of pain, expression, and fine motor development.

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