New Study Finds That Working Out During Different Times Of The Day Leads To Different Outcomes

In Education

The time one chooses to work out depends on how it fits into their hectic schedule. However, the optimal time to exercise might vary depending on the health advantages you hope to obtain, according to a recent study.

Workout results vary depending on the time of exercise 

Investigators established that “Exercise Time Of Day” (ETOD)  results in varying exercise results for both women and men. For instance, men who exercise t night are more likely to burn more fat whole women who work out in the morning cold lose excess belly fasts. 

The research is the first controlled study to demonstrate that altering your exercise routine’s duration and intensity, as well as your gender, affects the outcomes.

Professor of Health and Human Physiological Sciences Department of Skidmore College and lead study investigator Dr. Paul Arciero said, “Here we show for the first time that for women, exercise during the morning reduces belly fat and blood pressure, whereas evening exercise in women increases upper body muscular strength, power, and endurance, and improves overall mood and nutritional satiety. We also show that for men, evening exercise lowers blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, and feelings of fatigue, and burns more fat, compared to morning exercise.”

The RISE exercise regimen has several advantages.

The authors of the study gathered 30 women and 26men for their investigation. Each subject was a healthy, athletic, non-smoker, between the ages of 25 and 55, with normal body weight. They engaged in resistance (R) exercise, sprint interval (I) workout, stretching (S), and endurance (E) exercise for 60 minutes each weekday for a total of 12 weeks under the guidance of exercise coaches.

Each day, half of the respondents worked out between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m., and the other half worked out between 6 and 8 p.m. Furthermore, those who exercised in the morning skipped meals before their workout and then consumed four meals spaced out by four hours. On the other hand, the night group consumed three meals during the course of the day and one more following their workout.

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