Snoring Can Affect Your Partner’s Sleep Quality and Relationship Satisfaction, Study Shows

In Education

Snoring can have an impact on sleep quality of a partner as well as relationship satisfaction according to a recent study. The study published in Frontiers in Psychology from three Canadian universities confirms the importance of considering the impact of one partner’s sleep struggles on relationship satisfaction.

Researchers examined data from 113 heterosexual couples aged 21 to 82, evaluating their sleep efficiency, relationship satisfaction, and ability to adjust goals. Goal adjustment involves disengaging from unattainable goals and pursuing new ones.

Goal disengagement shields relationships from negative impact

The study revealed an intriguing connection between partners’ sleep quality and relationship satisfaction. When one partner slept poorly, the other partner tended to express lower satisfaction with the relationship a year later. However, individuals high in goal disengagement showed resilience to this effect. Goal disengagement appeared to shield the relationship from the negative impact of a partner’s sleep problems.

According to researchers the link between goals and sleep quality lies in the stressors caused by a partner’s sleep struggles, which may necessitate postponing one’s own goals. Those adept at flexibly disengaging from their goals were better equipped to support their partners and manage sleep-related challenges, exhibiting more active coping behaviors in their relationships.

The study indicates that individuals with a higher ability to disengage from unattainable goals tend to maintain relationship satisfaction even when their partner experiences sleep issues. Conversely, those with low goal disengagement may struggle to manage multiple goals alongside their partner’s sleep problems, leading to increased self-blame in the partner and decreased relationship satisfaction.

Letting go of unrealistic goals can benefit relationships

 Lead author Dr. Meaghan Barlow suggests that the capacity to let go of unrealistic goals can help individuals invest more in their relationship and prevent their partner from blaming themselves.

Although pursuing new goals can sometimes be beneficial, it may negatively affect relationships when individuals are already struggling with sleep problems. In such cases, high goal reengagers tend to withdraw effort from the relationship. Researchers advise that in relationships, especially when one partner experiences sleep issues, it’s essential to prioritize supporting them over personal goals.

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