Study Finds That Compression Stockings Are Harmful to Runners

In Education

A new study reveals that compression stockings, a common wear amongst runners,  hinder their performance. In addition, it claims no evidence of these stockings improving a runner’s performance.

The authors explain that compression socks are detrimental as they decrease the oxygen levels received by the leg muscles on the lower leg. The purposeful reason for wearing these stockings is to preserve blood flow. The compression stockings decrease soreness due to blood flow forced up your leg. It is a consequence of the squeezing effect of the socks on your lower legs.

According to Halldin Lindorsson, a University of Gothenburg, Sweden scientist and lead study author studies regarding compression stockings from the past have been conflicting. She says their study is unique because it gives pressure and oxygen measurements in three intervals. These intervals are before, in the event of the run, and after the run. As a result, the study gives better insight into the subject.

How researchers conducted the study

The researchers enlisted 20 runners for their study analysis. First, they told the runners to run on a treadmill for 6.3 miles twice, with and without compressions. Then, they obtained intramuscular pressure from the front muscle and the muscle’s oxygenation using sensors. The scientists noted that compression socks increased intramuscular pressure with an average of 22mm/Hg. In addition, local oxygenation in the lower-leg muscles decreased by 11 percent while wearing a compression stocking.

Compressional stockings are still beneficial

The scientists obtained blood samples from the treadmill sessions. Then, they conducted tests looking for creatine kinase and myoglobin. Creatine kinase and myoglobin are two markers linked to muscle damage. However, the results showed no indication of either. Lindorsson explained that the results were evidence of compression stockings not improving performance in runners.

 Even though compression stockings are non-beneficial to runners, they assist in other health-related incidences. For instance, they help boost blood circulation by adding pressure in both legs, thus limiting blood clots. Another case that the scientists looked into was the merits of wearing compression stockings on persons with chronic exertional compartment syndrome. This condition normally results in pain and swelling during workouts. Compression stocking also tends to prevent swelling.

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