Teaching Children About Pain Helps Prepare For Ways To Manage It In Future, Study Finds

In Education

Parents often get it challenging to talk to their children about pain bumps, scratches, and bruises. However, this shouldn’t be a problem anymore after University of South Australia Researchers came up with five talking points parents should consider when talking about pain to children. 

UniSA researchers evaluated the importance of pain education. 

According to the researchers, parents should teach children about pain to help them understand it better and respond to it once they are adults. The researchers evaluated common types of pain in children aged 2-7. Also, they asked various experts drawn from multiple departments about the best way to promote resilience and recovery in children with minor pain. Teachers and some parents were also asked these questions.

Findings indicate that respondents recommended teaching children about pain being an alarm system to the body. The second talking point is validating the kid’s pain to ensure they feel heard, safe, and protected. Thirdly, parents must reassure kids that the pain is temporary and will heal. Also, the researchers recommend supporting children’s emotions and encouraging them to speak. Lastly, it is vital to involve children in their recovery. 

According to UniSA’s principal researcher Dr. Sarah Wallwork, caregivers and parents should be instrumental in teaching kids about pain. It doesn’t matter what kind of pain they are discussing; each day is a learning chance to cultivate positive pain-linked behaviors and beliefs. Most importantly, children should know that pain is an alarm system to protect the body. 

Educating children may help control exacerbating pain symptoms 

Sometimes emotions play a role in pain episodes among children. As a result, it is vital to tell children they have control over pain to avoid exacerbating symptoms. If your child knows they have control over pain, it empowers them to consider their pain management. 

According to the authors, teaching children about pain at a tender age can promote favorable pain behaviors in the long run. As a result, that will prevent pain problems and enhance recoveries in years to come. 

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