Weight Loss Following Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Attributed To Cognitive Decline, Study Shows

In Education

According to a recent study published in the Neurology journal, individuals experiencing weight changes immediately after they have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease tend to experience changes in cognitive skills relative to those that maintain weight. 

Research shows that weight loss speeds cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease 

The author of the study titled “Association of Early Weight Change With Cognitive Decline in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease,” Dr Jun-Sun Jun, said weight loss shortly after the diagnosis is a sign of cognitive decline. The study evaluated 358 individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease two years before but have not started taking medication. Researchers compared them to 174 individuals that didn’t have the disease. 

Participants took a thinking skills test which they repeated yearly for eight years. In addition, the researchers evaluated the participants for depression, sleep disorders and anxiety, which are comorbid with Parkinson’s disease. 

Around 98 participants lost, 201 maintained, and 59 gained weight. Individuals that lost weight experienced cognitive decline more quickly than those that maintained weight. There was a slower cognitive decline in individuals that gained weight. However, there was no correlation between weight changes and non-motor symptoms. 

According to Jun, their research suggests weight control’s potential value during the onset of Parkinson’s disease. However, although this research is valuable, additional research is required to determine whether or not Parkinson’s disease patients’ cognitive decline would be slowed down if actions are taken to prevent weight loss.

Parkinson’s disease diagnosis 

Precise diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease requires medical professionals to consider symptoms, personal history, and other elements carefully. They examine specific physical symptoms and indicators that the patient or their loved ones have reported.

One or more of these symptoms might be shaking or trembling of the foot or hand, also known as resting tremor, which occurs when the person is resting and usually ends once they move. Bradykinesia, or the sluggish movement in limbs, walking, face, or entire body, is another symptom.

Additionally, stiffness or rigidity in the limbs or trunk and poor posture or balance issues are indications of Parkinson’s disease.

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