Workplace Identity Crisis Involves Employees Concealing a Lot from Workmates and Employees

In Education

A study reveals that the workplace identity crisis is at its highest ebb. It shows that 3 in 5 employees are concealing a lot from their employers. They give different reasons behind their attitude, and they elicit many questions. One of the most apparent concerns is to determine what would work best for these employees.

The split on what works best between the workplace and remote working arises. The study highlights the situation among American workers and reveals how they hide secrets from co-workers and employees for personal reasons.

Focus on the challenges

The latest survey indicates that 64% can’t live with authenticity when working with the others in their respective workstations. A significant number admit adopting a completely different personality in the workstation. Matters play out differently when they are at home, where they become themselves.

JobSage conducted a poll, showing the dire situation on the ground. The poll focused on 1,900 American workers. About two in three employees find it frustrating whenever details about the real personalities leak in the workplace. However, most of them express outrage, which tells a lot about the identity crisis in the workplace.

Why can’t these workers stomach the idea of their private details becoming public knowledge? The ongoing research targets finding the most delicate details, including the taboo concerns. One of the most surprising aspects is how most employees emphasize the development of individuality as opposed to conformity, and yet most people don’t seem comfortable walking down this road.

Some information that most employees hide includes their political views, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, personal information, mental health issues, and disability. They give different explanations. Some say they conceal their real personalities because they don’t wish to affect others. Others fear losing their jobs and don’t want others to discriminate against them.

Could remote working solve the puzzle?

Most employees seem to think positively about remote working. They feel they could become more productive and relaxed. Others think they can speak freely and that they could also feel the company valued and trusted them.

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