Australian Researchers: Walking, a Low-Cost Cure for Low Back Pain

In Education

Are you struggling with low back pain? Well, consider walking more often. Australian researchers have found that walking more often reduces the risk of constant back pain, averting the need to spend thousands of dollars on gym sessions, let alone exercise equipment.

Walking Program

The revelations come from the researchers carrying out studios on 700 adults across the country who had an episode of low back pain that lasted at least 24 hours. The participants were divided into two. The first bunch was encouraged to walk more often and enrolled in an education program guided by physiotherapy over six months. The other group received no treatment throughout the trial period.

The physiotherapists worked with the participants personally, designing a walking plan based on age, fineness level, and objectives. The ultimate goal was to develop a program that encouraged walking at least 30 minutes daily five times a week over six months. Additionally, the participants were undertaken through a program where they were taught how to overcome fears about back pain while also learning easy strategies to manage any recurrences.

Walking daily Impact

The results of the study were remarkable. Those who took part in the walking initiative saw a notably reduced chance of experiencing a return of back pain that interfered with their everyday tasks. In total, the likelihood decreased by 28%.

What’s even more astounding is that the time it took for a return of back pain was almost twice as long for the walking group (208 days) compared to the control group (112 days). The outcomes for any subsequent episodes of back pain, regardless of their effect on daily life and the need for medical attention, demonstrated equally encouraging decreases in risk.

In essence, individuals who participated in the walking program could remain pain-free for almost twice as long as those who did not address their lower back issues. Not only did the time between episodes of back pain increase, but the level of disability related to back pain was consistently lower among those who walked.

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