Dr. Sanam Hafeez Gives Tips for Going Back to Sleep After Waking Up in the Middle of the Night

In Education

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a neuropsychologist in New York, gave tips on how people can sleep better. He also provided insight into why people wake up in the middle of the night. Insomnia is a common problem, with about 30-48% of older adults suffering from the disorder and 10-30% having chronic insomnia in the U.S alone.

The inability to fall asleep after waking up is known explicitly as sleep-maintenance insomnia. About 10-60% of people experience this kind of insomnia.

How PER influences your circadian rhythm

According to Dr. Hafeez, there are numerous reasons why people wake up in the middle of the night. One of them could be the stress caused by family, work, and life events. Stress causes their hormone levels to rise, which can lead to a lack of sleep. However, excitement about an upcoming event could also raise hormone levels and cause them to wake up early.

Hafeez explains that the protein Period (PER) influences a person’s circadian rhythm by signaling your brain when it is time to get up. When the amount of PER is high, the circadian rhythm shortens.

How to go back to sleep

Dr. Hafeez recommends a few steps to help you get back to sleep if you wake up at midnight. The first is to focus on your breathing when your mind begins to wander. If this approach is ineffective, write about the worries keeping you awake in your journal to relieve your stress. You could also try to meditate.

If you cannot fall asleep after 20 minutes of trying, some experts recommend leaving your room and doing something to relax and distract you so that you find it easier to fall asleep.

In addition, there are things to avoid if you want to go back to sleep. One such thing Is bright light. Try to stay away from electronic devices that emit light, making it harder to fall asleep because these devices emit blue light, preventing melatonin production. Melatonin regulates the sleep cycle.

Dr. Hafeez adds that snacking should also be avoided because the body needs to focus on going back to sleep and not on digestion.

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